intersil环保 ISO Certifications, Data (RoHS, Lead/Pb-Free, REACH) and Policies
来源:Intersil | 作者:spacelt | 发布时间: 2014-06-14 | 3238 次浏览 | 分享到:

ISO Certifications, Data (RoHS, Lead/Pb-Free, REACH) and Policies

Intersil is Committed to Environmental Stewardship

     Intersil’s policy is to conduct business operations in a manner consistent with the principles of environmental stewardship.This includes pollution prevention, conservative management of scarce resources, and appropriate disposition of waste materials, emphasizing reuse and recycling.We believe that taking an active part in health & safety and protecting the environment is our responsibility to our employees, our customers, and the communities in which we operate.Intersil and its employees are committed to ensuring that the company’s operations comply with both the letter and intent of all applicable environmental laws and regulation.