Sigma 30 Inertial Navigation System Sigma 30惯性导航系统
发布时间: 2014-07-25
3882 次浏览
Sigma 30 Inertial Navigation System
The Sigma 30 INS is the worldwide reference today for latest-generation artillery systems. It meets the demands of these systems perfectly, from ultra secure high-precision aiming, decametric-class localization without GPS and resistance to extreme shock levels. The major international prime contractors – especially European, Indian and Asian ones – have placed their trust in the Sigma 30.
The Sigma 30 INS has a wide range of performance, enabling it to satisfy both the requirements of designers of advanced weapons systems that make use of 155mm howitzers and multiple rocket launchers of all calibers and other emerging requirements, such as the digitization of 105mm light canons and 120mm smoothbore or riffled mortars.
Sigma 30 is also commonly used to modernize systems in service, which can include the tactical computer as part of a “turnkey” program (Phoenix system).
The Sigma 30 system is used in more than 25 international programs for towed and tracked howitzers, multiple rocket launchers and mortars: Nexter’s Caesar, BAE Bofors’ Archer, Thales’ 2R2M, the European MLRS, Pinaka (India), etc.
Sigma 30惯性导航系统
Sigma 30英寸全球参考今天的最新一代火炮系统。它完全符合这些系统的需求,从超安全的高精度瞄准,decametric-class没有GPS定位和极端冲击阻力水平。主要的国际承包商,尤其是欧洲,印度和亚洲的Sigma 30——把他们的信任。
Sigma 30完全设计和由萨基姆专门为炮兵的应用程序。基于数字环形激光陀螺光学周长32厘米,Sigma 30提供了一个指向精度大于1角mil方位和0.5毫升的海拔。独立运作但也可以房子GPS接收机作为一个选项。它是高度可靠,健壮,易于使用和维护。
Sigma 30英寸范围广泛的性能,使其能够同时满足设计者的要求的先进武器系统使用155毫米榴弹炮和多管火箭炮的管径和其他新兴需求,如数字化105毫米轻经典和120毫米无膛线炮或迫击炮 。
Sigma 30也是常用的现代化系统服务,其中包括战术电脑作为“交钥匙”计划的一部分(凤凰系统)。
Sigma 30系统中使用超过25个国际项目拖曳和跟踪榴弹炮、多管火箭炮和迫击炮:Nexter凯撒,BAE博福斯的弓箭手,泰利斯公司2 r2m,欧洲、Pinaka(印度),等等