Sensonor 推出STIM300 超高性能多轴陀螺模组
来源:Sensonor | 作者:spacelt | 发布时间: 2016-03-03 | 4399 次浏览 | 分享到:
STIM300是一款仅重55克的小型、无GPS辅助的惯性测量单元。适用于各种商用和军用制导和导航应用。它具有和已经十分成熟的STIM210陀螺仪模组一致的陀螺仪性能以及低于0.05mg的加速度计零偏不稳定性。 STIM300内置了3个倾角仪以确保精准的系统调平,并提供了一个外部同步信号输入。 该款IMU进行了全工作范围温度补偿,所有的轴都相对封装基准面进行了机械和电气对准。STIM300对磁场不敏感。对于价格偏高、重量偏大的基于FOG的系统而言,它是一款高可靠、高性价比,而且不受ITAR限制的理想替代产品。其输出格式、采样率、滤波器设置和数据报的内容均允许客户自行设置。
STIM300 Inertial Measurement Unit
STIM300 is a small, tactical grade, low weight, high performance non-GPS aided Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). It contains 3 highly accurate MEMS gyros, 3 high stability accelerometers and 3 inclinometers. The IMU is factory calibrated and compensated over its temperature operating range.
STIM300 is a cost effective ITAR free solution for systems that only had FOG's as an alternative when reaching for the performance level of that STIM300 can offer.
Looking for a Gyro Module? Check out STIM210 
Application areas
The STIM300 IMU is well suited for stabilization, guidance and navigation applications in Industrial, Aerospace and Defense markets. It is a crucial building block for inertial navigation systems in UAVs, AUVs, AGVs, UGVs and ROVs.
STIM300 is also used for camera turret stabilization and for use in various handheld devices that require a small IMU to secure operations during GPS outage.
Please contact sales to obtain the detailed product specification
Key features
Weight: <0,12 lbs (<55g)
Volume: <2,2 cu. in. (35cm3)
ITAR free
Insensitive to magnetic fields
Solid state - high reliability
Low gyro bias instability (0.5°/h)
Low gyro noise (0.15°/√h)
±10g acceleration input range
Low accelerometer bias instability (0.05mg)
3 inclinometers for accurate leveling
Compensated digital output, RS422
Customer configurable output format, sampling rate and filter settings
Auxiliary input